Demon (魔族, Mazoku) are an Species of monstrous supernatural beings that serve as the primary antagonists in the "Shikkakumon no Saikyokenja / The Strongest Sage With the Weakest Crest" Series
Demons come in a variety of forms, with common features including horns on the head and wings which would be retracted. It is said that Demons have lower birth rate, but have a longer average lifespan instead.
They are usually quite bloodthirsty and view other Species, especially Humans, inferior to them, and have been at constant war with Humans to eradicate them.
Demons are a race of magically gifted humanoid entities. It is said that demons have a low birth rate, which is the reason for them being in the minority compared to humans. Despite being outnumbered against the humans, their strong bodies and powerful magic leads them to underestimate humanity.
A typical Demon is very powerful with high physical and magical capabilities. Their skin is hard enough to not be damaged by regular weapons or even weak magically enchanted weapons. All of the are capable of high speed Flight Magic as well, thanks to their natural wings.
While weaker Demons can use spells like "Atrocify", which can temporarily wildly boost their physical abilities at the cost of severe backlash which can result in their death. Stronger Demons can instead use "MP Channel Overclock" which is a stronger variant but doesn't have the drawback.
List of Known Demons[]
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